Resilient Apps for Camp Operations
Magic RFID wristbands for a Cashless Canteen,
Radioless Dismissal and Paperless Health Center
Discover a tech solution for your camp's way of operating.
Stress Has No Home in Camp Life
At FunFangle, we know that you want to remove distractions from the camper experience. Operational failures can disrupt campers from enjoying a beautiful afternoon, tie up staff for hours recovering from unnecessary work, and result in upset parents with unmet expectations.
Human Errors
Campers can excitedly rush staff into mistakes due to manual math mistakes at the camp store and other innocent, yet impactful mix-ups. Cue the puppy eyes and waterworks.
Lost Records
Keeping a paper log works for camper spending, daily dismissals, meds distribution, and nurse visits until the piece of paper goes missing. That’s usually when the parent inquiry comes in.
Missed Opportunities
Spending account balances at zero means lost revenue opportunities. It also might mean a concerned parent for their child missing out on what their camper had expected.
Walking In Your Boots
You'll be using apps and processes developed from working closely with industry and operations experts. This tech system has helped oodles of parents and campers successfully complete engagements across the United States and Canada
FunFangle provides a seamless platform to scan camper bands, confirm identity, and provide appropriate camper care. These bands have been a major safety addition as well as a brand enhancer. The FunFangle team is fun to work with and willing to listen in order to give you an excellent experience. We are just scratching the surface of ways FunFangle can provide a better camp experience.
Dan Bragdon
Executive Director, Camp Lurecrest

RFID Wristbands
Pick the best style that suits your needs. All wristbands are waterproof, come in a variety of colors and your branding can be printed on them.
Similar to Strap and Go, the wristband features a nylon fabric strap woven through a RFID card. The clasp is either re-adjustable or a one-way security slider that has to be cut off.
PVC style wristband with waterproof embedded RFID chip. Once clasped, the security snap stays in place and must be cut off. Wristband perforated for one-time sizing.
Elastic wristband with waterproof embedded RFID chip.
Badge style PVC card for combination with a lanyard.
The tech solution is composed of a few components that are designed to work together for your desired operations outcome. It has the distinct ability to tie the experience together using RFID wristbands for speed of access and multiple factors of authentication.
Parent & Guardian Access
From the convenience of their various devices, parents can access your organization's site. From here they'll be to access the various services, such as depositing camper funds, purchasing a care package, or filling out health information.
Operations Apps
Have the camp nurse use the Health function to distribute meds and log heath visits. Increase sales by parents pre-ordering through Care Packages. Utilize the Attendance & Admissions app for departure control for a radio-less dismissal process and activity check-in. Use the Point-of-Sale app to ring up sales by cash, credit or with the convenience of a camper's spending account balance. Add to your donor lists in the workflow of parent interactions.
Admin Console
Provide your back office staff with direct access to the reporting they need. Perform functions on behalf of patrons as needed from the versatility of a web browser.
Common Uses Around Camp
Camp Store
Campers access their cashless spending accounts using their RFID wristbands. Cashiers easily ring up sales using the intuitive Point of Sale app, minus the manual math mistakes. Parents are able to see balances and add funds via the parent portal.
Admin & Reporting
Run the numbers to get the data and insights you need for reporting and planning. Access the back-end of your system with self-management, making changes on behalf of parents, and our favorite, running reports!
Staff can check-in campers as they arrive in the morning, and at various activities during the day. For dismissal, staff will use the app to securely reconnect kids back to their parents, maintaining an electronic logbook.
Health Center
For meds distribution, we provide the nurse with a check-in for expected campers and an extra factor of identification using the RFID wristbands. Record observations of examination in the paperless system.
Terrible WiFi? No Worries!
We know how frustrating it is when the tool you're counting on keels over at the critical moment. The system is built for resiliency, to handle camp's tough wifi environments (even offline), to maintain continuous up-time, as well as meet your demanding, specific and mission-driven operational needs.
43k People Served
2.4MSales Tracked
2016Was The Start
Getting Started
The Process You'll Use To Get Back To Meaningful Work
See a Demo
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Onboarding Checklist
Step-by-step guide to get your camp community going.
Launch Your Community
Welcome your folks to participate.